On such jobs we use a variety of adhesives. On this one we used PVA, superglue and epoxy resin. Each glue has its own characteristics that can be used advantageously in a repair. If repair work interests you the ‘moral’ gleaned here is learn you glues. Worth noting that whilst superglue is a glue that its name suggests glues everything it doesn’t. So you need to learn your glues, what they do, how long they take to set etc. Slowly, piece by piece the broken bits are glued together. And here we’re part way done. The joins can be seen but after finishing the hope is that they will disappear.
This cross area will be painted to hide the joins and hopefully enhance the finished job.
And here is the finished job.
A final note worth adding is that apart from sequence being everything patience is a prerequisite for such work. Its taken us a touch under a month from receiving this job to completion. Much of the time was spent waiting for glue to dry and cogitating the next move.
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